TripAdvisor Sends The Best Cease & Desist Ever!
It’s one thing to send a cease and desist. However, it’s another to do so with creative flair! This is precisely what happened when TripAdvisor’s Legal team realized the company was incorrectly listed as a sponsor for the Boston Straight Pride Parade. Instead of simply defaulting to a standard cease and desist, the company decided it also wanted send another important message to the organizers about their support of the LGBTQ community. Check it out below!

Unlike some legal documents, this one is an absolute JOY to read (sorry to all of my friends in the legal field, I love you!). It’s filled with cleverly placed references to songs popular in the LGBTQ community from Madonna, Cher, Cyndi Lauper, and more.
As a former TripAdvisor employee (I worked for the company for a few years in PR), I was so proud to see the company take a stance. When I worked for TripAdvisor, I saw firsthand how inclusive the company is and know that this letter is a genuine extension of the company’s beliefs.
As a marketer and storyteller, I love how the company shared their beliefs and stance with creative flair. By doing so, the initiative generated global news headlines and support from people around the world.
Let this be a lesson to your company. Great stories can be triggered by an inquiry or unexpected occurrence. Instead of having a knee jerk reaction, TripAdvisor was smart to see the mistaken sponsorship listing as an opportunity to advocate for what the company believes in. The best, most authentic stories are the ones that tie back to your purpose and core values.
Lastly, this initiative is a great example of how EVERY department in your company can be a storyteller. But only if you empower them to do so!