Comments (2)

  1. Totally agree with what you are saying here, Jessica. I often find myself telling small business owners to focus more on making your customers the hero’s rather than spending a small fortune on brand design, can be a good strategy. Small businesses don’t usually have deep pockets to build brand awareness, but being authentic, having a clear mission, explaining their purpose and why they exist to solve the real problems that matter to their customers and highlighting employee wins are all good to do. I also agree with the idea from several storytellers that you should let the customer become the hero in the end. it’s great for storytelling, case studies, marketing and more.

    Thanks for writing this post

    David Egerton - 1 year ago
    • Thank you for taking the time to read my post David and for such a thoughtful comment. Really appreciate it!

      jessicagioglio - 1 year ago